Communication Self Eval

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A Free Ministry Communication Checklist

That you'll actually use!

Most ministry checklists don't help you fix things. This one does.

Answer 12 questions and will send you a PDF that includes: Your personalized communication checklist & resource kit. A 25 page PDF that you can start using right away.

Takes you less than 5 minutes to and we'll send you your personalized PDF.

Ready to start improving your communication?


STEP 1: Review these 12 Statements

Answer YES or NO for each statement.

We'll use your responses to assemble your personalized PDF kit and email it over to you.
We try to avoid overloading people with information(Required)
In our communication, we use a healthy balance of engaging people, giving details and asking for a next step.(Required)
There is a clear action associated with anything we send out to both internal and external audiences(Required)
We have a brand and communication guide or strategy(Required)
We know who our primary and secondary audiences are(Required)
We use tools to make sure our communication is effectively sent to our audiences on the platforms they use most often(Required)
We have regular internal meetings to evaluate our messaging(Required)
We have a consistent communication schedule that we use to get information out so people expect it when it comes(Required)
We avoid using insider terminology in communication(Required)
In Eblasts, we use subject lines that are clear and easy to read(Required)
We make sure to have our communication reviewed for both spelling and grammar as well as information accuracy(Required)
We track activity on as much of our communication as we can(Required)